Aoba Park (Morgana, Complete “Sendai Sweets” Request) Objective: Deliver a Zunda Shake, Zunda Daifuku, and Gyutan Ice Cream (Purchase from nearby shops) Objective: Jail Monarch Mad Rabbit Alice Rematch Location: Shibuya Jail – 705, Castle: Front Area Reward: Headhunter Ladle S (Mona – 84 Atk, Crit Up Low) Objective: Defeat 3 Succubus by Hitting their Weakness (Wind, Bless) Location: Shibuya Jail – 705, Side Path of Castle: Front Area

Objective: Defeat 3 Lamia by Hitting their Weakness (Ice)

1st Ward and Hirose St (inside buildings, not on streets) Objective: Show Lavenza an Arch Angel with Amrita Dropįuse Lv 14 High Pixie with Lv 14 Hua Po (Orthrus & Berith or Andras & Succubus) If you are looking for strong shadow requests that unlock persona fusions, Ctrl + F for “Strong Shadow.” And if you are looking for all missable requests, Ctrl + F for “MISSABLE Request.” Do note that Strong Shadow requests require that you cleared previously issued Strong Shadow requests before the next one is available. It’s also important to note that if you proceed to the next city before completing certain location restricted requests, you won’t be able to finish it. Completing these requests will earn you various goodies, such as money, items, and bond points be sure to keep an eye out for them. Requests in Persona 5 Strikers are your optional side quests which you receive when you talk to people while exploring each city. Note that some spoilers will be found when looking through the request list.
A guide listing all the requests available in Persona 5 Strikers, where to find them, and what their rewards are for completing the missable achievement: What are Friends For? It also contains tips on how to complete the more complex requests, such as: Prison Mail, Forgotten Desire, and Thief Challenges.